To solve this error, you ought to disconnect all the hard drives (except the one you determine to install the OS) including the HHDs, SSDs, SATA DVD-ROM drives as well as any removable USB devices (other than your mouse and keyboard). That’s why you get stuck in the Windows installation error 0x80300001. If you have other hard drives connected to your PC, certain conflicts between hard drives will be caused.

Method 1: Remove All the Unnecessary Hard Drives Just keep reading and figure out how to solve it. Here, we summarize several useful methods for fixing the error 0x80300001. Therefore, you’d better work this error out as soon as possible. Once you run into Windows error 0x80300001, you will be prevented from completing the Windows installation process successfully.

If you receive the “we couldn't install Windows in the location you chose 0x80300001” error message, just click here to find out some solutions.